Geotechnical Aspects of a Landfill Site Selection Study in North Evia - Greece


O. G. Manoliadis

Technological Educational Institute
Department of Geotechnology and Environmental Engineering
Koila 50100 - Kozani, Greece

K. I. Sachpazis

GEODOMISI S.A.32 Marni Street, Athens


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In Greece Sanitary landfilling is the most common way of disposing of municipal solid wastes. One of the major problems in waste management nowadays concerns the selection procedure of the most appropriate site for their final disposal. In this paper a two-stage, multicriteria evaluation is presented. In the fist stage, in order to establish the promising sites, waste disposal is merely based on geotechnical criteria as it touches upon issues of the geoenvironment and the landscape as well as the suitability of geoenvironment for siting is depending mainly on its stability and on the danger of groundwater pollution. In the second stage these sites are evaluated using economic efficiency, environmental and technical economic criteria. It is interesting that the method sets the factors clearly and helps experts and local communities to participate. The method is easily applicable to a new landfill site. Its selection in Northern Evia and the results were accepted by the local communities.

KEYWORDS: land fill site selection, multi criteria evaluation, geotechnical criteria

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