Effect of Number of Layers on Incremental Construction Analysis of Earth and Rock Fill Dams


Ali Zomorodian

Department of Irrigation, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran
e-mail: mzomorod@Shirazu.ac.ir

K. Sahebzadeh

Department of Irrigation, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran


A. Ooria

Department of Irrigation, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran


The construction period and the end of construction have an important effect on the design and the performance of earth and rock fill dams. It has been known pore water pressure developed during this time in the impervious section is an important factor in slope stability analysis of dams. In this paper the parameters, which their values significantly change with selecting different numbers of layers in computer model simulation of dam, are investigated. Sange Siah earth dam is analyzed with different numbers of layers and then results are compared with several other real cases. From these results one can propose that the minimum number of layers, which must be included in the analysis of earth dam with vertical clay core, is equal to ten. The slope stability analysis in this research is done with Geo-slope software.

Keywords: stress, strain, finite elements, consolidation, Sange Siah dam

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