Table of Contents

The Identification of Fault Zones in Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar (Indonesia) Using Magnetic Method
Dr. M.M. Nordiana, Dr. Muhammad Syukri, Dr. Rosli Saad, Marwan, and Nur Aminuda Kamaruddin
Analysis and model prediction of subgrade settlement for Linhai highway in China
Gao Lei, Zhou Qiu-yue, Yu Xiang-juan, and Chen Zhi-hui
Numerical Analysis on Water Discharge of Tunnel Based on the Ecological Water Requirement of Vegetation
Deng Lin and Kuang Xilong
Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis Method for Slope with Arbitrary Sliding Surface Based on Minimum Potential Energy Principle
Wen Shujie, Li You, Jing Wenqiang, Tan Limin, and Luo Hui
Predicting Shear Strength of Municipal Waste Material by Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR)
Mohsen Keramati, Sina Khodabakhsh Reshad, Sahand Asgarpour, and Mohammad A. Tutunchian
Static Characteristics of Coarse-Grained Soils
Guodong Deng, Jiasheng Zhang, Xiaobin Chen, Fei Meng, and Xiong Shi
Numerical Study for Buckling of Pile with Different Distributions of Lateral Subgrade Reaction
Xiao-guo Zhou, Ming-xin Li, and Yun-gang Zhan
Seulimeum Fault Verification Using 2-D Resistivity Imaging
Nur Aminuda Kamaruddin, Dr. Muhammad Syukri, Dr. Rosli Saad, Dr. M.M. Nordiana, and Marwan
Methane Drainage and Utilization Technologies for High Gassy and Low Permeability Coal Seams in Tiefa Mining Area
Wang Xufeng, Zhang Dongsheng, Li Guojun, Ren Tingxiang, and Zhang Wei
Tunnel Rockburst Proneness Study Based on AHP-FUZZY Method and Field Test
Zhigang Li, Bo Li, Xu Han, and Wanpeng Song
Consolidation Characteristics of Lime Column and Geotextile Encapsulated Lime Column (GELC) Stabilized Pontian Marine Clay
Siaw Yah Chong and Khairul Anuar Kassim
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Value for Banting Soft Soil Subgrade Stabilized Using Lime-Pofa Mixtures
Norazlan Khalid, Mohd Fadzil Arshad, Mazidah Mukri, Faizah Kamarudin, and Abdul Halim Abdul Ghani
Utilizing 2-D Resistivity Method for Seawater Intrusion Study at Benteng Kuta Lubok, Aceh-Indonesia
Dr. Muhammad Syukri, Zul Fadhli, and Dr. Rosli Saad
Optimization of Supporting Plans for the Quick-return Tunnel in an Extremely Thick and Fracture Developing Coal Seam
Guozhen Zhao, Zhanguo Ma, Ruichong Zhang, and Zhaoxu Lu
End-wall Slope Stability Analysis of Surface Coal Mine under the Combined Open-pit Mining with Underground Mining
Hongge Peng, Qingxiang Cai, Li Ma, and Wenliang Tang
Judgment of Key Components during Progressive Collapse
Bing-bing Tu, and Dong Zhao
Simulation and Monitoring of a Deep Foundation Pit in Cable Tunnel Engineering
Xuzheng Peng, Yingguang Fang, Fan Zhang, Jie Yuan, and Renguo Gu
Uncertainty Evaluation on Measurement Results for the determination of halohyrocarbon in Water Samples by Purge and Trap-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Jing Wang, Li Zhu, and Dong Hai Ai
