Indexing Information

EJGE does not have any relationship with any of the indexing entities listed on our front page; they can't tell us what to do, we can't tell them what to do. Our list includes those indexers who told us they were indexing EJGE articles (the polite ones asked our permission).

This is what we have found out:
Indexing is not automatic; the paper has to be referred to (mentioned, talked about) by other people.
This would indicate that the paper is important enough to be indexed. this includes: (a) It is mentioned at a blog or website (where people share information about their activities), or (b) It is included in the "references" section of another paper. So, ask your friends to cite your paper if they are working on a related research.

You may make use of the sample paper given at our front page, the link at the bottom left reads "docx". This document has plenty of papers listed, which you can select a few related ones, and use in your paper.

EJGE front page is at: