World Wide Web of
Geotechnical Engineers

ISSN 1089-3032

Stress Distribution Software

The characteristics of the program EjgeSoft StrsDist© are presented in the classical version page. This page only presents the new features of the Version 2004.

New Features of EjgeSoft StrsDist©

The New Exact Solution Dialog...

The exact solution dialog now offers a visual aid:

As you see the option in the figure, you can specify any point (x, y, z) now; the program will automatically do the necessary subdivisioning and superposition— the point can also be outside the load area, allowing complex problems.

Better Integration with Windows...

The new version of StrsDist includes a Copy feature almost everyhere in the program so you can effortlessly transfer information to other Windows programs such as MS Word. This is a great help for preparing reports and presentations. The copy function applies to both text and graphics.

A Finer Control...

The new EjgeSoft StrsDist© gives you a finer control over numerical integration both visually and numerically...

The New Graphics...

The new EjgeSoft StrsDist© will give you stunning 3D graphics of stress distribution, so you have better grasp of the phenomenon. It is an educational tool as well as practical aid to the engineer: It indicates how stresses distribute over a horizontal plane as well as with depth. It is easy to see where the maximum stress occurs--important for complex load plans where this may not be obvious--As in this star (with a hole in the middle) example:

Plus, you can rotate the 3D diagram to any angle to view the distribution!

It is so customizable that you can even change the plotting colors--how about this?

Oh, you need to see contours instead? Sure!

But the new EjgeSoft StrsDist© takes it further than a simple color-fill. Can you make out the foundation shape from this? (Yes, it is the pentagon-shape load of the built-in Example #2 problem. That's what the soil feels at that depth!

How to get a Demo Copy

Information about demos available today can be found at the demos web page of the EJGE website.

Website File Transfers

To make the file transfers over the Net more efficient, files are placed in this server in compressed format, which uncompress automatically after downloading.

Get Your Own Copy of EgjeSoft StrsDist©

The current availabilty information can be found at the commercial Web pages of the EJGE.

See also EjgeSoft Program Vs