World Wide Web of
Geotechnical Engineers

ISSN 1089-3032

Horizontal-Rocking Analysis Software

Calculates the coupled horizontal-rocking vibration amplitudes for systems including machine foundations and offshore oil platforms.

The characteristics of the program EgjeSoft HorRock© are presented below.

The program is very easy to use, but a user's manual is included for greater command.

It will work under all versions of Windows (but not DOS, UNIX, etc.).

HorRock has three windows for input:

  1. Geometry
  2. Soil Properties
  3. Loading data

And it has these windows for output:

  1. Numerical Results
    • This lists the displacement amplitudes calculated for the frequency range user specified
  2. Graphical frequency-response curves
    • Lateral displacement of CG (Center of gravity)
    • Rocking angle amplitude
    • Lateral displacement of any user-specified point

See the main window

Features of EjgeSoft HorRock©

  • All data windows are accessible at any time so you can modify any data and re-calculate the response.
  • The exact solution of the coupled differential equations is employed.
  • User-respectful coding.
  • Nicely formatted printer output.

How to get a Demo copy

Information about demos available today can be found at the demos web page of the EJGE website.

Website File Transfers

To make the file transfers over the Net more efficient, files are placed in this server in compressed format, which uncompress automatically after downloading.

Get Your Own Copy of EjgeSoft HorRock©

The current availabilty information can be found in Web pages of the EJGE.

See also EjgeSoft Programs Blast and Vs
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