EJGE/Magazine Feature

References used in the article "Deep Dark Secrets of Geotechnical Engineering"

Blum, H. (1931) Einspannungsverhältnisse bei Bohlwerken, W. Ernst u. Sohn, Berlin

Caquot, A. and J. Kerisel, (1948) Tables for the Calculation of Passive Pressure, Active Pressure, and Bearing Capacity of Foundations, (translated from French) Paris

Cook, G. (1950) "Rankine and the Theory of Earth Pressure," Geotechnique, Vol.2, pp. 271-279

Coulomb, C. A. (1776), "Essai sur une Application des Regles de Maximis et Minimis a Quelques Problèmes de Statique, Relatifs a l'Architecture," Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés, à l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Paris, Vol. 3, 38

Daniel, D. E., and R. Olson, (1982) "Failure of an Anchored Bulkhead," American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, Vol. 108, No. 10, Oct., 1982, pp. 318-327

Feld, J. (1923) Lateral Earth Pressure: The Accurate Experimental Determination of the Lateral Earth Pressure, Together with a Resume of Previous Experiments, Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 86, pp. 1448-1505

Golder, H. Q. (1948) "Coulomb and Earth Pressure," Geotechnique, pp. 66-71

Krey, H. (1936), Erddruck, Erdwiderstand und Tragfaehigkeit des Baugrundes, 5th ed., Berlin, W. Ernst u. Sohn (1st edition, 1912)

Lohmeyer, E. (1930) "Die Berechnung verankerter Bohlwerke", Bautechnik, Vol 8, pp. 60-65

Pennoyer, R. P. (1933) Design of Steel Sheet-Piling Bulkheads--An Explanation of the Essential Theory Involved Civil Engineering, ASCE, Nov.

Sullivan, R. A. (1972) Behavior of Wharf Affected by River Fluctuations, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 98, No. 9, Sept., pp. 939-955

Terzaghi, K. (1920) Old EarthPressure Theories and New Test Results, Engineering News Record, Vol. 85, No. 14, Sept., pp. 632-637

Terzaghi, K. (1934) Large Retaining Wall Tests (A series of five papers reporting fundamental results), Engineering News Record, Vol. 112, Nos. 523, Feb.-March

Terzaghi, K. (1936) A Fundamental Fallacy of Earth Pressure Computation, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, April

Terzaghi, K. (1939) Soil Mechanics a New Chapter in Engineering Science, J. Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol. 12, pp 106-141

Tschebotarioff, G.B. (1951) Soil Mechanics, Foundations, and Earth Sructures, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York


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