Geotechnical Videos
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and give as much information as you think we should present in this page. Please note that we don't sell any of these, use the links given for your questions or requests.
The original idea for this page (and the Dutch items in the list) are by
Dr Usama Karim. We include Internet resource links (email and website) if available. If not, you're on your own.
- The MiniCone system from Tumay's team at LSU
Detailed background information, technical documentation, and a link to the entire video file are available at the ejge paper
- The quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway
Available from NGI, Norway--- See this Web page for a browser video clip. This is one landslide video you should see! It was taken on the spot by someone who happened to be there with a camcorder in his hand! Very dramatic scenes... A tiny excavation triggered the slide
- Silent piler, Source: Giken Europe B.V.
- Sporen onder de stad: de bouw van de spoortunnel in Rotterdam "Railway under the city: the construction of the rail tunnel in Rotterdam"; Source: Toonder studios, Nederhorst den Berg, the Netherlands; in Dutch
- Geohydrologie "Geohydrology" Tjaden B.V./Video Fax produkties, the Netherlands; in Dutch
- Geosynthetics in Landfills
An overview of geosynthetics applications. Co-sponsored by IGS Video is a valuable reference for designers, specifiers, engineers, consultants and students. Technical editors: JP Giroud and J Fluet.
- Soil Erosion & Sediment Control
An overview of erosion processes, including construction and mining; best management practices.
- Trenchless Technology
An effective and economic alternative to open-cut construction. Presents equipment, methods and procedures.
- Geosynthetics in Transportation Applications
On the use of geosynthetics in construction of roads, airfields, and drainage. Co-sponsored by IGS
- Engineering Judgement
Discusses the role of judgement in geotechnical engineering. ByRalph Peck. Produced by ISSMFE in 1991. VHS, english, colour, 39minutes. Order from IFAI.
- Learning from the Ground
Discusses three case histories: Tunnels, foundation problems and a dam. By Ralph Peck. Produced by ISSMFE in 1991. VHS, english, colour, 70 minutes. Order from IFAI.
- Soil Mechanics
Training series in Soil Mechanics (moisture density relationships, compaction evaluation). US Dept of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Also slide on how to classify soils. They told us these are mainly for their internal use, but you can contact Danny K. McCook for availabilty.
- Beneath Your Feet
Wellbore stability and rock mechanics for drilling engineers. BP / GeoFilms, English, 20 minutes. Update: BP informed us that this particular video is not available ("for some reason never made it to the library").
- Underwater trenching
SPENCER underwater trenching tool for pipe / cable laying in rock. General Offshore (UK). English, 12 minutes.
- Rock slides
BBC Horizon TV, programme on rock slides, English, 30 minutes.
- Explore
Interactive training course for geologists, supplied by Learning Curve Pty Ldt. English.
- Techniques of Borehole Drilling
This video on Techniques of Borehole Drilling is from the University of Sheffield in the UK. It is item B66 fro Sheffield University Television. Item contributed by Andrew Dawson of University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
- Geotechnical Slide Sets
--and other digital resources (videos, CD's) available. Item contributed by Woodrow L. Higdon, for Geo-Tech Imagery Products
- Selborne slope failure data collection CD
Very detailed geotechnical and other data on the Selborne slope failure experiment.
Contact Edward Bromhead to obtain a copy.
- Seepage and Piping by Ralph B Peck
Dam Foundations by Don U Deere
Filters and Sinkholes and Rapid Drawdown Stability by John Lowe, III
Available from Association of State Dam Safety Officials. Contact by phone: (606) 257-5140 (Sarah Mayfield)
For technical questions, contact Francis G McLean
- Geotechnical Group at UFSC/BRAZIL
has a research field in teaching geotechnical subjects using Didatic Videos. The videos available are:
Soil Sample Preparation (Brazilian Standards NBR 6457) SPT Sounding (Brazilian Standards NBR 6484)
Pile Driving for Deep Foundations (In preparation)
For more information contact Prof.Ronaldo da Silva Ferreira
- Drilling and Sampling in Geotechnical Practice
Revised July 2000 by Jason T. DeJong & Ross W. Boulanger
- ASCE Geo-Institute listing of videos on in situ testing.
- Rotterdam, Netherlands sheet pile wall field test, a 16-min video on the test, which has been carried out in 1999. Here is a link to
download the video, although it is quite advisable to see the page above first, since it has many more links and information (thanks to Dr. Arjen Kort for the info supplied). Warning: the downloading estimate given there is 1/10th of what it takes (it's a common mistake to confuse bits and bytes--see how it should be calculated).