The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

This issue of the Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering includes the following bundle of papers. This bundle has been tied; newer papers that are accepted for publication will be in the next bundle.

Go to TOC for Volume 11 [2006] Bundle B 11C

Table of Contents

Volume 11, 2006 — Bundle C

Paper available! Analytical Solutions for a Three-Invariant Original Cam Clay Model

    Dunja Peric, Bhavik R. Shah, and Mbakisya A. Onyango

Paper available! Ground Response of Ahmedabad City during Bhuj Earthquake: A Case Study

    Jyant Kumar

Paper available! Effect of Number of Layers on Incremental Construction Analysis of Earth and Rock Fill Dams

    Ali Zomorodian, K. Sahebzadeh, and A. Ooria

Paper available! The Liquefied Behavior of a Sand Lense Group Embedded in a Clay Deposit

    S.M. Mir Mohammad Hosseini and Amin Eisazadeh

Paper available! Constitutive Modeling of Unpaved Flexible Pavement Under Static Loading

    Praveen Aggarwal, K. K. Gupta and K. G. Sharma

Paper available! A Geotechnical Engineering Characterisation of Interbedded Kenny Hill Weak Rock in Malaysian Wet Tropical Environment

    Zainab Mohamed, Abd Ghani Rafek, and Ibrahim Komoo

Paper available! Displacement - Based Seismic Active Earth Pressure on Rigid Retaining Walls

    Deepankar Choudhury and Santiram Chatterjee

Paper available! The Effect of Tunnel Buoyancy on Ground Surface Settlement in Elastic Soil

    Assaf Klar

11C Go to TOC for Volume 11 [2006] Bundle D


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